Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone

The term ¨comfort zone¨ was originally coined by Alasdair White, a Business Management Theorist, in 2009. People tend to do what’s easy, comfortable and known. Consequently the comfort zone can be seductive, irresistible, “familiar,” and disastrous.

Therefore, people have no intention of interrupting vicious and unproductive cycles or starting something new or challenging, which requires self-discipline, motivation and commitment.

The origin of the word comfort comes from the Latin, ”cumfortare”, and it means to relieve pain or fatigue. In other words a pleasurable state of physiological, physical, and psychological harmony between the human being and their environment.

It’s our natural tendency to avoid fears, anxiety, or some kind of burnout. As a result we often stay within a territory where we can predict and control events.

Source: Toolkit – ‘Leaving The Comfort Zone’

Some causes that make us stay

in the comfort zone:

Laziness: Tiredness, lack of energy, apathy, disinterest, depression, guilt and lack of motivation or all at the same time.
Pride: The feeling you do not need to learn anything or improve yourself.
Fear: Afraid to face your own fears. Like the fear of the unknown, of risks, of uncertainties, of what might happen, of losing control or what others might think.
Myopia: The impacts and consequences of some attitudes and behaviors in our lives in the medium and long term are not clear.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

What are the consequences of staying in this, non-reactive, comfortable state?

Waste of one’s own talent, which is a process of procrastination..

It can cause damage to health, such as sedentary lifestyle, obesity or chemical dependence , intellect (loss of memory, reasoning and mental agility), psyche (immaturity, dependence, insecurity) and spiritual dimension (lack of altruism, sense of purpose and ability to help other people).

You certainly won’t invest much in self-development, which is linked to learning, changing our behaviors, evolving, and seeking our success and inner peace.

Some tips to get out of your comfort zone

Dream big!
Be competent and committed in everything you do
Stay curious, keep asking questions and never stop studying
Travel as much as possible
Practice sports and be adventurous
Do volunteer work
Manage your time and energy wisely, so you make the most of it
Practice healthy and rewarding leisure

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