The Fermi Paradox

The Fermi Paradox is a thought-provoking concept that highlights the apparent contradiction between the high probability of extraterrestrial civilizations existing in our vast Universe and the lack of evidence or direct contact with such civilizations. But do contemporary extraterrestrial civilizations exist alongside ours? The key word here is ‘contemporary.’ Two main reasons – Distance and … Read more

Where Did We Go Wrong

After all, why so many wars, so many battles, so much hatred, so much bloodshed, so many pointless deaths, so many broken families, so many unfinished dreams, so many sacrifices? For what purpose? To end up where we are today?  I ask again, where did we go wrong? Who and What Are We? The vast … Read more

Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone

The term ¨comfort zone¨ was originally coined by Alasdair White, a Business Management Theorist, in 2009. People tend to do what’s easy, comfortable and known. Consequently the comfort zone can be seductive, irresistible, “familiar,” and disastrous. Therefore, people have no intention of interrupting vicious and unproductive cycles or starting something new or challenging, which requires … Read more